we are a Public Charity Organization. This means that donations are deductible from income or corporation tax. You can contribute in several ways.
Would you like to donate clothes, toys or other goods?
Contact us and inform us that you want to donate. We will be very happy to assist you. They will also tell you what is needed at that time.

Transfer yourself
You can also transfer the amount yourself to our bank account IBAN NL96 BUNQ 2087 6935 44 in the name of Stichting Hilde stating: the spending target.



Would you like to support us in your will?
You can include Foundation Hilde as a beneficiary in your will. This can be in the form of inheritance or bequest. Foundation Hilde falls under the zero rate, which means that the entire amount ends up with Foundation Hilde. You can also make a legacy free of fees and expenses. Any charges associated with the bequest will be borne by the heirs and not the recipient.

Spend responsibly
Your donation to Foundation Hilde is spent responsibly. We report annually on our activities, income and expenses. Foundation Hilde is an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) institution. This means that donations to us are in many cases deductible from income or corporation tax. For more conditions, see the website of the tax authorities and the ANBI form here

Our tax number (RSIN) is 864838293.

We publish our accounts and annual reports and where you can verify the activities we have and where we meet our objective. Do you want to know what our plans are for the coming years? Then check out our strategic plan for 2022-2025. You will find both documents here