En este momento estás viendo Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking 

Human Trafficking definition: It is a global problem, and it is a serious crime.it is to deprive the affected men, women and children of freedom and dignity. Currently, it is a business where people are enslaved for the purposes of sexual exploitation, or the extraction of organs, labor exploitation, forced marriage and many other things.

Human trafficking is terrible, it is considered as something atrocious against the dignity of the person, it goes against human rights, many people are taken out of their countries with deceptions and false illusions.
In general, women and children are trafficked for the purpose of sexually exploiting them.

Deprives them of their freedom, human trafficking forces them to be sexually enslaved and, above all, they violate their human rights, many times they do not allow them to have contact with the outside, and they always live under threat.

When it is with children, they suffer a lot because they are usually victims of pedophiles who take pleasure in harming children and using them for their own benefits regardless of their feelings.

A cause for this type of crime so cruel in children: It is education and poverty in the homes. Many times they leave their homes because of so much violence in their homes, and they take refuge in places where they can be contacted and thus easily wrapped. Then it is when these inhuman deprive them of their freedom and precious childhood to be destroyed and suffering eternal damage, many of these children die because they cannot bear so much evil.


Human Trafficking


 in all countries is a very serious crime and it is the duty of all of us to take care of our children, even older girls because human trafficking is a huge problem that can happen to anyone, even to our homes.

Human Trafficking 


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